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Anyway, do us both a favor and check it out ASAP. It'sstill pretty new and you will benefit even more if youcreate your FREE account now before most people join.

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Give it a try and let me know what you think ...

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Get Firefox 3

Can a browser really make the Web better? Yes ! Download the new Firefox 3
Firefox the award winning Web browser is absolutely free and easy to use. Join the over 500.000.000 million people worldwide enjoying a better and faster web browsing.It's so easy to import your favorites and settings from your old browser and get started.
Download Firefox now and get a faster and safer web.

Pimp Your Firefox Browser with the Firefox Add Ons Find extensions, plug ins and search engines to customize your Firefox browser for a better web experience.

Put a Firefox Buttons & Firefox Banners on your website and help to spread Firefox all over the world.
Download the new Firefox 3.1 Alpha 2 Shiretoko for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Faster than Google Chrome

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AppGet 0.6.9 Download

An update is available for installed Applications, it will be shown in Appget!

Brothersoft Editor/ Appget is a version-control-program. Appget will show you a list of your installed Applications.When an update is available for one of them, it will be shown in Appget.

There you can update the specific applications in seconds. When appget starts, it will create a list all your installed applications and their corresponding version numbers. The collected data will (anonymously) be submitted and compared to the online Appget database.

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: Josha van Praag More Products

Download : Here

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How to crack WPA wireless networks

WPA is an encryption algorithm that takes care of a lot of the vunerablities inherent in WEP. WEP is, by design, flawed. No matter how good or crappy, long or short, your WEP key is, it can be cracked. WPA is different. A WPA key can be made good enough to make cracking it unfeasible. WPA is also a little more cracker friendly. By capturing the right type of packets, you can do your cracking offline. This means you only have to be near the AP for a matter of seconds to get what you need. Advantages and disadvantages.

WPA Flavours

WPA basically comes in two flavours RADIUS or PSK. PSK is crackable, RADIUS is not so much.

PSK uses a user defined password to initialize the TKIP, temporal key integrity protocol. There is a password and the user is involved, for the most part that means it is flawed. The TKIP is not really crackable as it is a per-packet key but upon the initialization of the TKIP, like during an authentication, we get the password (well the PMK anyways). A robust dictionary attack will take care of a lot of consumer passwords.

Radius involves physical transferring of the key and encrypted channels blah blah blah, look it up to learn more about it but 90% of commerical APs do not support it, it is more of an enterprise solution then a consumer one.

The Handshake

The WPA handshake was designed to occur over insecure channels and in plaintext so the password is not actually sent across. There are some fancy dancy algorithms in the background that turn it into a primary master key, PMK, and the like but none of that really matters cause the PMK is enough to connect to the network.

The only step we need to do is capture a full authenication handshake from a real client and the AP. This can prove tricky without some packet injection, but if you are lucky to capture a full handshake, then you can leave and do the rest of the cracking at home.

We can force an authenication handshake by launching a Deauthentication Attack, but only if there is a real client already connected (you can tell in airodump). If there are no connected clients, you’re outta luck.

Like for WEP, we want to know the channel the WPA is sitting on, but the airodump command is slightly different. We don’t want just IVs so we don’t specify an IV flag. This will produce “lucid.cap” instead of “lucid.ivs”. Assume WPA is on channel 6 and wireless interface is ath0.

./airodump ath0 lucid 6

Dictionary Brute Force

The most important part of brute forcing a WPA password is a good dictionary. Check out for a ‘really’ good one. It costs money, but it’s the biggest and best I’ve ever seen (40 Million words, no duplicates, one .txt file). There is also a free reduced version from the same site but i’m sure resourceful people can figure out where to get a good dictionary from.

When you have a good dictionary the crack is a simple brute force attack:

./aircrack -a 2 -b 00:23:1F:55:04:BC -w /path/to/wordlist

Either you’ll get it or you won’t… depends on the strength of the password and if a dictionary attack can crack it.

Source :

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Download PCMAV 1.7

Dengan PCMAV, Anda akan mendapatkan antivirus yang bukan hanya sekadar mendeteksi namun daya basminya yang tangguh mampu memburu 99.9% virus yang dikenal sampai ke akar-akarnya" tanpa menimbulkan kerusakan pada file maupun sistem yang terinfeksi.

Perpaduan keunikan fitur serta keakuratan dan kepedulian terhadap keselamatan sistem, file dan dokumen Anda memberi kesempurnaan sebuah antivirus pada PCMAV

Di setiap edisi Majalah PC Media terbaru yang terbit tiap bulannya, kami senantiasa menyempurnakan PCMAV ini dengan kemampuan dan fitur baru demi menjadikan PCMAV sebagai antivirus yang sesuai kebutuhan Anda, pembaca setia Majalah PC Media. Dan menjadi kebanggaan Indonesia


  1. Ditambahkan, database pengenal dan pembersih 118 virus lokal/asing/varian baru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia. Total 2182 virus beserta variannya yang banyak beredar di Indonesia telah dikenal di versi 1.7 ini oleh engine internal PCMAV.
  2. Diperbaiki, kesalahan pada rutin yang bertugas melakukan buffering pada file yang akan di-scan.
  3. Ditambahkan, cleaner khusus untuk virus VBScript FourTwoOne.vbs.
  4. Ditambahkan, cleaner khusus untuk virus Windx-Maxtrox yang dapat menginfeksi file executable.
  5. Ditambahkan, cleaner khusus untuk virus Microso yang dapat melakukan injeksi file .DLL.
  6. Diperbaiki, kesalahan deteksi (false alarm) heuristik pada beberapa program ataupun script.
  7. Diperbarui, perubahan beberapa nama virus mengikuti varian baru yang ditemukan.
  8. Perbaikan beberapa minor bug dan improvisasi kode internal untuk memastikan bahwa PCMAV Cleaner & PCMAV RealTime Protector lebih dari sekadar antivirus biasa.

Download PCMAV 1.7

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Membuat Buku dengan Microsoft Word

Trik di bawah ini kami kutip dari

Tutorial singkat membuat buku dengan Microsoft Word.Mencetak halaman seperti di Surat Kabar.

Langkah I

  1. Open Microsoft Word (jangan tanya gw gimana caranya)
  2. Buka dokumen yg ingin anda cetak dalam model buku atau buat dokumen baru
  3. Klik File -> Page Setup
  4. Pada tab Margins cari bagian Pages
  5. Pada pilihan Multiple Pages ubah dari normal menjadi bookfold
  6. Orientasi otomatis juga berubah dari portrait menjadi landscape.
  7. Jangan lupa juga untuk mensetting margin halaman sesuai dengan keinginan kamu
  8. Klik OK

Dokumen akan berubah menjadi bentuk landscape jadi check ulang dokumen anda.

Langkah II (print)

  1. Klik File -> Print
  2. Beri centang (tick) pada pilihan manual duplex
  3. Klik OK

Setelah itu printer anda akan secara otomatis mencetak halaman anda. Tunggu sampai ada perintah untuk membalik kertas. Setelah itu balik kertas yg sudah dicetak dan masukkan ke dalam printer.

Note: Masukkan kertas dengan benar!!

Catatan Tambahan : Jangan lupa juga untuk memberikan nomor halaman untuk mempermudah. Silahkan mencoba dulu dengan halaman yg sedikit.

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History Internet Protocol

The Internet Protocol Suite resulted from work done by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the early 1970s. After building the pioneering ARPANET in 1969, DARPA started work on a number of other data transmission technologies. In 1972, Robert E. Kahn was hired at the DARPA Information Processing Technology Office, where he worked on both satellite packet networks and ground-based radio packet networks, and recognized the value of being able to communicate across them. In the spring of 1973, Vinton Cerf, the developer of the existing ARPANET Network Control Program (NCP) protocol, joined Kahn to work on open-architecture interconnection models with the goal of designing the next protocol generation for the ARPANET.

By the summer of 1973, Kahn and Cerf had worked out a fundamental reformulation, where the differences between network protocols were hidden by using a common internetwork protocol, and instead of the network being responsible for reliability, as in the ARPANET, the hosts became responsible. Cerf credits Hubert Zimmerman and Louis Pouzin, designer of the CYCLADES network, with important influences on this design.

With the role of the network reduced to the bare minimum, it became possible to join almost any networks together, no matter what their characteristics were, thereby solving Kahn's initial problem. One popular saying has it that TCP/IP, the eventual product of Cerf and Kahn's work, will run over "two tin cans and a string." There is even an implementation designed to run using homing pigeons, IP over Avian Carriers, documented in RFC 1149.
A computer called a router (a name changed from gateway to avoid confusion with other types of gateways) is provided with an interface to each network, and forwards packets back and forth between them. Requirements for routers are defined in (Request for Comments 1812).
The idea was worked out in more detailed form by Cerf's networking research group at Stanford in the 1973–74 period, resulting in the first TCP specification (Request for Comments 675) [6] (The early networking work at Xerox PARC, which produced the PARC Universal Packet protocol suite, much of which existed around the same period of time (i.e. contemporaneous), was also a significant technical influence; people moved between the two).

DARPA then contracted with BBN Technologies, Stanford University, and the University College London to develop operational versions of the protocol on different hardware platforms. Four versions were developed: TCP v1, TCP v2, a split into TCP v3 and IP v3 in the spring of 1978, and then stability with TCP/IP v4 — the standard protocol still in use on the Internet today.

In 1975, a two-network TCP/IP communications test was performed between Stanford and University College London (UCL). In November, 1977, a three-network TCP/IP test was conducted between the U.S., UK, and Norway. Between 1978 and 1983, several other TCP/IP prototypes were developed at multiple research centers. A full switchover to TCP/IP on the ARPANET took place January 1, 1983.

In March 1982, the US Department of Defense made TCP/IP the standard for all military computer networking. In 1985, the Internet Architecture Board held a three day workshop on TCP/IP for the computer industry, attended by 250 vendor representatives, helping popularize the protocol and leading to its increasing commercial use.
On November 9, 2005 Kahn and Cerf were presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their contribution to American culture.

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Mempercepat Akses Speedy

Saat anda browsing atau membuka suatu website di internet entah dari warung internet ataupun dari rumah, mungkin anda sering mengeluh akan lambatnya akses untuk menampilkan website tersebut. Padahal akses internet di Indonesia sekarang ini masih terhitung mahal. Sebenarnya ada cara-cara mudah untuk meningkatkan kecepatan akses internat anda tanpa harus membayar biaya lebih mahal. Beberapa diantaranya adalah dengan menyetting browser kita, menggunakan openDNS, dan menggunakan Google Web Accelerator.Untuk menerapkan trik-trik tersebut sangat mudah.

Cara pertama yaitu menyetting browser dapat dilakukan oleh pengguna Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox. Bagi pengguna Internet Explorer klik menu [Tools] [Internet Option], klik tab [General]. Pada opsi “Temperory Internet files”, klik [Settings] lalu Geser slider-nya. Hal itu untuk membuat cache (lokasi penyimpanan sementara) untuk web yang anda buka, sebaliknya disediakan sekitar 5% dari Hard disk.

Bagi pengguna Mozilla Firefox anda dapat mengetikkan “about:config” pada address bar,. setelah itu ubah “network.http.pipelining” dan “network.http.proxy pipelining” menjadi “true”, serta isi “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” antara 30 –100 ( semakin besar semakin cepat ). Yang terakhir klik kanan dimana saja dan pilih New->Integer , tuliskan “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” lalu isi dengan 0.

Untuk trik kedua, pertama anda harus mendaftar di . Setelah itu masuk ke Control Panel dari start menu, pilih network connections lalu pilih koneksi anda dan klik tombol properties. Pada bagian Internet protokol anda bisa pilih TCP/IP dan klik properties. Masukkan angka dan pada opsi DNS dan restart komputer anda.

Setelah melakukan 2 tips di atas sekarang anda pasti akan mendapat kecepatan akses yang lebih kencang. Bagi yang masih belum puas dengan kecepatan aksesnya sekarang dapat menggunakan trik yang ke tiga yaitu Google Web Accelerator. Google Web Accelerator di desain khusus untuk mempercepat akses internet anda, khususnya anda yang menggunakan koneksi broadband (pita lebar) seperti Cable dan DSL. Untuk anda yang menggunakan koneksi lain seperti Dial-up (Telkomnet Instant atau Speedy) maupun satelit atau wave, Google Web Accelerator juga dapat mempercepat aksesnya.

Untuk memakai Google Web Accelerator anda harus memenuhi kriteria antara lain Operating System anda harus Windows XP atau Windows 2000 dan browser anda harus Internet Explorer 5.5+ atau Mozilla Firefox 1.0+. Kalau untuk browser lainnya sebenarnya juga bisa, tetapi anda harus meng-konfigurasi proxy settings dari browser anda dengan menambah pada HTTP. Setelah anda melakukan instalasi, Google Web Accelerator akan menampilkan icon kecil di atas browser anda dan icon tray di pojok bawah layar komputer.

Anda dapat mengunduh Google Web Accelerator di

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Trik untuk meningkatkan kecepatan internet

Secara default Windows (Win XP Pro dan 2000) sebenarnya juga mengurangi bandtwith kita sebesar 20%, 20% ini digunakan window untuk mendownload update untuk window. Berikut langkah untuk menghilangkan pengurangan bandwidth tersebut :

Klik Start->Run->ketik”gpedit.msc” (tanpa tanda “) Ini akan memunculkan tampilan “Windows Policy”. Kemudian masuk ke : Local Computer Policy–>Computer Configuration–>Administrative Templates–>Network–>QOS Packet Scheduler kemudian di tampilan kanan pilih “Limit Reservable Bandwidth”, disitu tertulis “Not Configured” -> doubel klik (ada tampilan baru, “Limit reservable bandwidth Properties”).Jika ingin tahu keterangannya buka di bagian “Explain”. Di situ tertulis keterangan windows secara default menggunakan 20% bandwidth kita. Kembali ke “Setting” dan pilih “Enabled” lalu ganti 20 % menjadi 0%.

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Orbit Downloader

Main Features Detail

1. Download social music, video and streaming media
Orbit Downloader is devoted to new generation web application downloading and provides a total solution to download music and video. So you can download streaming media, social music, social video, movie, flash and file from anywhere include Pandora, YouTube, Yahoo, Myspace and Rapidshare more simple and easy.

2. Extreme download acceleration
In general, Orbit Downloader is based on P2P technology. It has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation. And Orbit Downloader has advanced robust multithread download algorithm implemented with high quality. It can speed up to 500% faster with great acceleration.

3. Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
Orbit Downloader is written with efficiency in mind, it typically uses less than 3MB of memory and 3% of cpu when downloading. Additionally, the installation package is less than 2MB.

4. Support Rapidshare download.
Orbit downloader Support HTTPS and HTTP POST method. Orbit downloader can make your downloads from file-sharing service websites include RapidShare much faster, safer and more stable. See more…

5. Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
Orbit Downloader supports IE, FireFox, Maxthon and Oper

6. Support Metalink download.
Orbit Downloader supports Metalink download and gives you extremely fast download speeds.

7. Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
You can easily download files with a browser click from any remote server via HTTP/ HTTPS/ FTP/ RTSP/ MMS. And the RTMP protocol will be supported soon.

8. Support Proxy server configuration.
You can set Orbit Downloader to use a proxy server. Orbit Downloader can work well with HTTP,HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols.

9. Support download pause and resume
Orbit Downloader can resume broken downloads. So you needn’t start the downloading process from the very beginning after casual interruption. You can resume unfinished download from the moment when it was interrupted.

10. General download management.
Orbit Downloader’s easy-to-use management features and simple-yet-powerful configuration options can make both your downloading process and downloaded files management as easy as never before.

Download Link : Here

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Tip & Trik mempercepat Windows dengan SP2

Supaya kecepatan PC menjadi cepat, caranya begini:

  1. Masuk Start/Setting/control panel/administrative tools/services
  2. Pilih pada salah satu service yang akan dimatikan, click kanan pada mouse, pilih “properties”, akan muncul satu tab propertis. Selanjutnya pada pilihan “startup type”, apabila mau mematikan tinggal pilih “Disable”.

Berikut ini service-service yang biasanya tidak digunakan (terutama untuk PC yang tidak terhubung jaringan).

  • Alerter (berguna untuk mengirim pesan perhatian –alert– pada sistem jaringan; kalau untuk PC stand alone nggak perlu, bisa di - disable).
  • Clipbook (lebih sering nggak digunakan, matikan saja)
  • Computer browser (untuk browsing computer dalam jaringan; kalau nggak terhubung jaringan, matikan saja)
  • Error reporting service (menampilkan pesan error — lebih sering nggak perlu, dapat dimatikan)
  • Indexing service (mengindeks file supaya pencarian menjadi cepat, namun dapat malah memperlambat kinerja, matikan saja).
  • IPSEC service (mengatur policy keamanan IP - kalau komputer stand alone nggak perlu diatur, dapat dimatikan)
  • Messenger (untuk memunculkan window messenger bila terkoneksi internet. kalau nggak matikan saja)
  • Netmeeting Remote Desktop sharing (untuk netmeeting. Nggak eprlu untuk yang hanya sering “copy darat”. Matikan
  • Remote Registry (untuk mengedit registri komputer lain dalam satu jaringan. Nggak perlu. bisa dimatikan)
  • Routing & Remote Access (Pokoknya yang remote2 utu semuanya berhubungan dengan jaringan. kalau nggak perlu bisa dimatikan)
  • Security Center (yang nampilkan setting firewall di SP2. Matikan)
  • System event notifikation (untuk memberitahu event yang terjadi di komputer. lebih sering nggak perlu. bisa dimatikan)
  • Task Scheduler (untuk menjadwalkan tindakan otomatis, misalkan scan, koneksi internet dll. sering nggak perlu. Matikan
  • Telnet (berguna untuk berhubungan dengan jaringan. untuk komputer yang hanya terhubung dengan power supply doang, jelas ini perlu dimatikan)
  • WINDOW TIME : untuk sinkronisasi waktu dengan GMT yang memerlukan koneksi internet. sangat nggak perlu. matikan.
  • Window Firewall/internet connection (kalau koneksi internet lebih sering dari wartel, lebih baik dimatikan saja)

Itu adalah beberapa service yang dapat dimatikan. untuk yang lainnya, kegunaan bisa dibaca sendiri di bagian description. Kalau misalkan salah satu program nggak bisa jalan gara-gara butuh service tersebut, ya tinggal ngaktifkan lagi service-nya.

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Mempercepat Akses Defrag dan Scandisk

Untuk mempertahankan supaya kinerja Windows tetap OK, tentunya kita harus merawatnya dengan baik. Salah satu yang harus Anda lakukan adalah defragment dan scandisk.

Tips berikut ini akan menambahkan context menu pada drive. Jadi saat Anda membuka windows explorer dan mengklik kanan pada drive maka akan muncul menu “Defrag drive ini” dan “Scandisk drive ini”.

  1. Cari key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\Shell.
  2. Buat key baru, beri nama Defrag.
  3. Pada panel sebelah kanan, pada bagian (default) isi dengan “&Defragment Drive Ini” (ketik tanpa tanda petik).
  4. Buat subkey baru “di bawah” Defrag, dan beri nama dengan Command.
  5. Pada panel sebelah kanan, pada bagian (default) isi dengan “defrag.exe “%1″ /noprompt” (ketik tanpa tanda petik).

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Menyembunyikan User Account Pada Windows XP

Saat Anda mulai memakai komputer maka akan muncul welcome screen dan akan tampil semua user account pada komputer tersebut. Dengan tips di bawah ini Anda dapat menyembunyikan user account yang Anda inginkan.




Value Name
(nama user account yang akan disembunyikan)
Data Type
0 untuk menyembunyikan dan 1 untuk menampilkan kembali.

Walaupun user account tersebut tidak kelihatan pada welcome screen, tetapi Anda tetap dapat login dengan user account tersebut, caranya dengan menekan tombol Ctrl + Alt + Del dua kali. Kesalahan penggunaan tip dan trik ini merupakan tanggung jawab anda

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Daftar Gratis di Berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38 program afiliasi gratis dimana Anda bisa menghasilkan $161,452.38 hanya dengan mendaftarkan 3 orang teman Anda !

Cara Kerja : menggunakan sistem matrix 3 x 15 level, jadi Anda cukup mengajak 3 orang rekan Anda melalui link referal Anda dengan format : dan anggota anda juga masing-masing mengajak 3 orang rekannya sampai pada level 15 maka Anda berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38. Untuk rincian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : juga menggunakan sistem spillover, dimana apabila upline Anda sudah memiliki 3 orang downline pada level 1 (Level langsung di bawahnya), maka otomatis Anda akan mendapatkan refferal langsung dari hasil spillover upline Anda.

Anda dapat mencairkan pembayaran Anda kapan pun melalui halaman member Anda dengan syarat minimum pendapatan Anda telah mencapai $110 untuk paypal, $125 jika menggunakan Check, dan $25 jika menggunakan Wallet Purchase. Jika Anda belum memiliki account paypal, silahkan mendaftar disini.

Buruan... Jangan sampai terlambat! Gratissssssssss......

Untuk mendaftar silahkan klik :

Selamat Mencoba

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Download Free Ebook

Berikut daftar E-Book Gratis yang bisa anda download dari blog saya :

Semoga Bermanfaat

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Download Free GlobalOffice 2.0.2

"Platform Independent Secure Online Office Package."
BSEditor, globalOffice (gOffice) is Platform Independent Secure Online Office Package. globalOffice is a plugin that is available for Microsoft Office StarOffice OpenOffice Using globalOffice local documents/spreadsheets/presentations can be saved into a remote secure server in XML format. and they can be Opened from remote server into local respective applications

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: XMLCorporation More Products

Click to Download

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Download Safe To View Toolbar 1.0

"A powerful toolbar for IE"

Brothersoft Editor: Our categorized database is constantly updated and refined by automated and human reviewers.

moreEasy to see threat levelsHow safe are the sites you visit?Easy to identify safety levels as you surf the web. You can even help set the level for sites that you trust.moreSafe To View ToolbarYou are in control of the categories of sites you visit.Easy to use Internet safety toolbar for Internet Explorer.moreParked domains and kiting schemesDomain Parking is becoming the number one segment of the Internet.We have over 8.5 MILLION parked domains in our list. Parked domains are growing by over 100,000 a month. Many of them are part of kiting schemes in which the person who registers them only pays for them if they become profitable.

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: safetoview More Products

Click to Download

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MP3 Smart Tagger 1.2.2

"It can edit and update ID3 tag of MP3's."

BSEditor: MP3 Smart Tagger is intuitive and simple to use tool to edit/update ID3 tag of mp3's, that let you to work with a lot of files at the same time very quickly.Stop with editing id3 tags manually for any file you want modify, just select a group of files, grouped by Artist, Album or any other criteria you consider handy for yourself, define the rules how to retrieve the id3 tags value and you've done!!!

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: FC lab More Products

Click to Download

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