Download PCMAV 1.4

PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 1.4 telah dirilis beberapa waktu yang lalu yang dikemas dalam keping DVD bersama diterbitkannya Majalah PC Media Edisi 07/2008.

Pada PCMAV 1.4 Internal Engine (ver. 2093) telah ditambahkan 62 Virus Signatures baru. Sehingga Jumlah keseluruhan Virus yang telah bisa dikenali oleh PCMAV 1.4 Internal Engine sebanyak 1.937 Virus Signatures . (sebagai perbandingan, PCMAV 1.3 telah mengenali sebanyak 1.875 Virus Signatures). Download : PCMAV 1.4

Dan bilamana PCMAV 1.4 digabungkan/diintegrasikan dengan ClamAV (hingga release 02/06/2008), maka secara keseluruhan PCMAV (+ ClamAV) sanggup mengenali 305.656 Virus Signatures yang meliputi virus lama, virus baru, maupun varian baru dari virus lama.Satu hal lagi, dalam test menggunakan OS Vista Home Premium, Penulis mendapati bahwa PCMAV 1.4 ini berjalan kurang lebih 3x lipat lebih cepat dari versi sebelumnya.

Download : PCMAV 1.4

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AdSense makes it so easy !!

There's no complicated software to install, no need to scout for affiliates, nothing to buy and no need to even have a merchant account. So… why isn't everybody doing this? More importantly, why isn't everybody making the most of it?

It's "Hidden Money"

"Seeing is believing", they say. Most webmasters love to obsessively track their visitors, earnings and CTR's several times a day. They love to see what's there, but they often miss what can be.

Adsense doesn't give you ultimate control over which ads are served, how the ads are rotated or what each click is worth. That's a good thing, because it's hands-free income.

But many webmasters still think that once you've stuck the Adsense code on your page, there's little you can do except wait and watch.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Google gives you a great deal of control over your ads, and especially their visual or graphic elements. By tweaking these elements to your advantage, you could easily — in as little as a few minutes — multiply your click-throughs many, many times over!

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5 Useful Tips To Increase Google AdSense Revenue

As you know Google AdSense is the best way to earn extra income online. Many webmasters and writer have joined this program but earning very low income from AdSense. 99% of AdSense Publishers are earning less than $ 10 per month, this is the fact and every one is trying to increase their AdSense Revenue by one or another way. Many experts are in this field, are ready to open their experiences to increase the AdSense earnings. It is true that AdSense revenue can not be increase in a day or two. This requires your dedication & some time period.

During the research of AdSense Revenue increasing method, I found some simple but most useful tips, which might help you to increase your Google AdSense revenue. You can add more tips, if you have, by comments.

1. Show your Ads at top of the page
Put your block of Ads at top of the page, when ever any one visit your page, they can see the Ads easily and if some thing finds of their interest, they might click on Ads. Do not try to hide your Ads. Put one block of Ads at top left and one at bottom of article. This way you can attract attention of your visitor towards the Ads.

2. Blend the Ads with content
This the fact, that no one like to click on the matter which looks like Ads. You should have to blend your Ads with content so, it look like the part of content. What I think, people don't mind to click the Ads which are the part of content. By doing this you will increase the value of your Ads in the mind of visitors.

3. Use large rectangle
Google AdSense allows you to choose different Ads format. Mostly publisher use the leader board (728x90) or wide skyscraper (160x600) style Ads format. This format mostly look like Advertisment, any wise visitor will know at first look to your page. Try large rectangle (336x280) at top left on your page. This will increase your clicks.

4. Remove the border
If you use your AdSense Ads in a border, that will highlight the Ads but same time it shows that these are Ads and not the part of content. Your AdSense revenue will increase if you remove the border of your Ads and show it as the part of page. Don't use odd colour and fonts of Ads.

5. Don't populate your page by Ads
People will search on internet for the useful information, not for the Ads. Your first intention must, to give valuable information to your visitor. If people like your article, they will spend more time on your page and if your page look clean & neat, the Ads will highlighted very well, hence there are chances of more clicks. Put one block at top left, one at bottom left and one link Ads at bottom of post. That is more than sufficient.
There are some other technique to increase Google AdSense Revenue, but keep in mind that, these technique will produce different result from publisher to publisher. You have to be always in experimental with AdSense.

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HYIP, which stands for High Yield Investment Program is just what it sounds like, a program offering a high yield investment. HYIP's are offering probably the most profitable investments available today. Interest rates of up to 100% a monthis not uncommon. In general the interest rates are ranging anywhere between 5 – 250% a month.HYIP's are using different investment strategies. Some invest in stocks, others in property. There are even HYIPs investing in other HYIPs. Probably there are also programs that are not investing at all. These belong to the scammers. You’ll read more about unserious HYIPs further down this text.Most HYIP's use different e-currencies as their way of accepting funds from members. E-Gold is undoubtedly the most commonly used one hence the many program names containing “Gold” or “E-Gold”. E-currencies makes instant and secure money transfers possible online and have very much paved the way for HYIP's.The phenomenon of Hyips is growing bigger and bigger on the internet today. Every day new programs are being launched. Lots of people are earning fortunes investing in these programs.

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Mengatasi Pesan "APP Close Main Error" di Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600 yang diisi beragam aplikasi yang makin menarik, tentu makin menurun kinerjanya. Ibarat mobil, makin banyak barang yang diangkut, makin berat kerja mesin. Di Ponsel Symbian, hal ini bisa membuat ponsel menampilkan pesan error, dengan isi "App Close Main Error". Bagaimana Mengatasinya?

Jika bertemu dengan masalah seperti itu, banyak pihak yang mengatakan sebaiknya ponsel diformat saja, supaya memori menjadi bersih dan kembali seperti semula. Sayangnya disamping beresiko, setelah memori kosong tentu harus dilakukan instalasi kembali aplikasi satu persatu, yang tentu saja cukup merepotkan. Jangan buru-buru melakukan format pada ponsel. Coba ikuti beberapa langkah berikut, supaya ponsel Anda sehat kembali.

  1. Jalankan aplikasi file manager seperti Seleq, Fexplorer atau lainnya.
  2. Masukkan ke C:\system\bootdata.
  3. Arahkan ke file
  4. Hapus file dengan memilih Option>Files>Delete
  5. Matikan Ponsel dan keluarkan MMC Card. Lalu nyalakan kembali ponsel, umumnya Anda juga meminta memasukkan jam dan tanggal. Matikan kembali ponsel. Masukkan kembali MMC Card. Lalu Nyalakan lagi ponsel Anda.

Anda juga bisa terhindar dari hilangnya menu dengan melakukkan backup file application.dat dengan cara berikut:

  1. Jalankan Seleq atau Fexolorer, dan buat folder backup, misalnya di E:\, dengan cara memilih Options>File>New>Folder.
  2. Isikan nama folder dengan backup.
  3. Masuk ke C:\System\data di ponsel, arahkan ke file application.dat
  4. Copy file dengan memilih Option>Edit>Copy.
  5. Letakan [Paste] ke folder backup yang telah dibuat, dengan memilih Option>File>Edit>Paste.
  6. Jika Anda ingin menu aplikasi kembali lagi setelah proses selesai, copy file application.dat di folder backup, dan paste ke C:\System\data. Saat ada pesan peringatan untuk menimpa file atau Overwrite, pilih Yes.

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Download Bizzar Server 2.0.59

"Improved install/uninstall script."

I know it's been a couple of months, but I finally sat down and put the next version of BizzarServer together. The smtp server did not make it in. BUT, I now have php5, apache 2.0.59, and mysql 5.0.24. I also included some batch files to help manage the services for BizzarServer. The new and improved install/uninstall script.

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: More Products

Click to Download

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Download BlogMatrix Jager 1.4.3

"BlogMatrix Jager is a news reader for extenside,rss,blog, and news website."

BlogMatrix Jager is a news reader for extenside,rss,blog, and news website.It is easy to use for speeding up your news reading.This news version adds lots of great features

License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements
Publisher: jaeger More Products

Click to Download

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Program HYIP

Untuk anda yang mencari-cari hyip-hyip program yang bagus, silahkan rujuk ke situs Investasi yang terpercaya.

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